Experience the magnetic vibes of Ibiza. Relax as you feel the gentle pull of vibrant island life. Experience Las Salinas salt flats, eat paella, sip sangria, meditate, shop boutiques… do whatever you please. Hidden away are fincas, pine valleys, orange groves, almond trees and lush orchards. Retreat to renowned spas for wellbeing, yoga, massage and healing. Soothe in warm waters at private beach affairs. As darkness falls, cavort in bars and clubs where the world’s finest DJ’s thrill. Warm and easy-going, nature’s elements blend beautifully with island life. It's little wonder that Ibiza has drawn artists, writers, gurus and beatniks for years. Some have never left.
Hedonistic and historic, Eivissa (Ibiza, in Castilian) is a city jam-packed with cafés, nightspots, and trendy shops; looming over it are the massive stone walls of Dalt Vila —the medieval city declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1999—and its Gothic cathedral. Squeezed between the north walls of the old city and the harbor is Sa Penya, a long labyrinth of stone-paved streets that offer some of the city's best offbeat shopping, snacking, and exploring. The tourist information office on Vara de Rey has a useful map of walks through the old city.
Start Time
Jul 29 11:00AM CEST