The town of Flam, Norway is nestled in a tributary of the world's longest and deepest fjord. Surrounded by steep mountainsides, roaring waterfalls, and deep valleys, you’ll experience a one-of-a-kind encounter with nature on your Flam cruise. This quaint Norway town is a place of extremes. The epic majesty of Flam’s dense green mountains dwarfs even the grandest of cruise ships, and the glass-calm water that surrounds the town woos adventurers from near and far. This is place where you can’t help but feel closer to nature for no other reason that it overwhelms at every turn. Climb aboard the Flam Railway for the world’s steepest train ride and rumble 2,800 feet up the wilds of Norway. Kayak through the calm waters of the Aurlandsfjord for breathtaking views of mountain farms with grazing goats or sheep perched at the fjord’s edge. You’ll find many restaurants and cafes offering local Norwegian fare made with farm-fresh ingredients. And you can sample the famous brown and white goat cheese in nearby Undredal. Whether it’s hiking, kayaking, or taking a dizzying train ride into the mountains, Flam is a Norwegian wonderland that’s meant to be explored.
Start Time
Sep 09 at 8:00AM UTC
End Time
Sep 09 at 4:00PM UTC